Miloš Petrašinović

Co-Owner and Aerospace Engineer at PR-DC

Short Biography

Mr. Miloš Petrašinović is an aerospace engineer and a co-owner of PR-DC. He was born on October 8, 1994, in Belgrade, Serbia. After graduating from primary and secondary school in Belgrade, he received his Bachelor of Science degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade in 2016 (average grade 10.00/10.00) with the thesis: Design, calculation, and parametric modeling of the aircraft's landing gear. In 2018, he received his Master of Science degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade (average grade 10.00/10.00) with the thesis: Design of Simulated Aircraft Control. He is currently a final year Ph.D. student in Aerospace engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade, with the thesis: Research of aircrafts remote motion-in-the-loop piloting systems. He was awarded by the University of Belgrade for outstanding success during his studies as the best student in his generation at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

His goal to put Serbia back on the map in drone industry comes from a long aerospace tradition in his family and the fact that his country once had an important role in this industry. He is a teaching assistant in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade and, at the same time, a project leader for PR-DC drones.
