News for 13.07.2022.

PR-DC Celebrates Second Anniversary: The Best Is Yet to Come

The innovative company PR-DC celebrated its two-year anniversary at a restaurant in the capital. Engineers and employees reflected on their achievements and presented plans.

„When we founded the company two years ago, we didn't expect such results, such as the launch of drone production and participation in many global fairs. We have countless ideas and a clear vision, and we are confident that the best is yet to come", said Miloš Petrašinović, one of the co-owners and engineers of PR-DC.

Over the past two years, PR-DC has participated in prestigious fairs worldwide, including Dubai Expo 2020, UMEX Abu Dhabi 2022, Hemus 2022, and EuroSatory in Paris. The company also highlights the importance of domestic fairs, such as the Serbian Army capabilities showcase in Batajnica and the Science and Technology Fair in Belgrade.

This year, PR-DC plans to travel to London for the prestigious Farnborough Airshow. „Farnborough will be the culmination of our work and a testament to how far we've come in two years”, emphasized Petrašinović.

In addition to commercial successes, PR-DC is dedicated to collaboration with the academic and scientific community. After the first agreement with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade, the collaboration was extended to the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering.

„Our team of engineers is young, and we know how valuable practical experience is for students. Working with students and faculty colleagues is also invaluable because we exchange knowledge and ideas daily, leading to better results”, said Tijana Petrašinović, the company's director.

The company prides itself on promoting Serbia as a destination for developing new technologies. „We are glad to represent our country and to show that with work, effort, knowledge, and courage, success is possible. We have a great team yet to achieve great things,\" concluded Tijana Petrašinović.